• 2 Mart 2023

Friend Üsküdar with Inclusive Approach Project Starts!

Friend Üsküdar with Inclusive Approach Project Starts!

Friend Üsküdar with Inclusive Approach Project Starts! 1024 576 Melike Demirel

“Friend Üsküdar with Inclusive Approach” Project: Journey to Social Cohesion and Entrepreneurship through the Power of Differences

Led by the Üsküdar Municipality, the “Friend Üsküdar with Inclusive Approach” project takes an important step towards strengthening social cohesion and encouraging Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and members of the Host Community to actively participate in business life. “Friend Üsküdar with Inclusive Approach” project is being implemented within the ENHANCER Project which is funded by the European Union and conducted by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in coordination with the Directorate General of Development Agencies under the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Türkiye. The project aims to support social cohesion and promote entrepreneurship by bringing together Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and members of the Host Community.

Bridge to Social Cohesion

Üsküdar is a neighbourhood where different cultures and rich historical heritage meet. The “Friend Üsküdar with Inclusive Approach” project aims to use this richness as a bridge to bring different communities together. Creating a strong environment of solidarity and co-operation between Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and members of the Host Community is an important step towards social cohesion.

Our Objectives

  • To provide knowledge and experience transfer to Syrians under Temporary Protection and Host Community about the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Türkiye.
  • To increase the awareness of Syrians under Temporary Protection about the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Türkiye.
  • To increase migrant awareness in the entrepreneurship ecosystem
  • To strengthen cooperation and solidarity between Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and members of the Host Community.
  • Organising training and workshop activities to enable participants to participate effectively in business life.
  • To create new business opportunities and contribute to economic development by supporting entrepreneurship.
  • To create a mentoring network to ensure that experienced business people guide the participants.
  • Trainings and Workshops

The trainings and workshops organised under the project are designed to enable participants to effectively integrate into the business world and develop their entrepreneurial capacity. Trainings are organised face-to-face and online.

  • Business Turkish Training
  • Applied Industrial Design Education
  • Digital Marketing & E-Commerce Training
  • Entrepreneurship Acceleration Training
  • Mentoring Network

Our project creates a mentoring network where participants are guided by experienced mentors to take successful steps in business life. Mentors support the participants to cope with the challenges in business life by sharing their own experiences and guiding them.

Join This Story

By participating in the trainings organised within the scope of the project, you can improve your entrepreneurial skills and contribute to social change. Stay tuned to join the “Friend Üsküdar with Inclusive Approach” project and become a part of a strong social cohesion!

Take your place in the business world with the “Friend Üsküdar with Inclusive Approach” and unlock your entrepreneurial potential!